Monday 27 April 2009

loving running in sapporo

so my wife and i have moved to sapporo for a few months and running up here is like running on a different planet compared to nagoya. of course it is cooler, although nagoya has not yet reached the disguisting weather of summer, but more than that it is beautiful and so clean. don't get me wrong, japan is clean everywhere in terms of rubbish and dog poo and so on, but sapporo is beautiful and the air is so clean. in japanese they say "the air is delicious" and it really is. so crisp and not full of smog or pollution.

plus rie and i found a cycling road that runs from the centre of town for about 20km out into the countryside. this is not a cycling road that runs next to a road with cars on, but simply a path that winds it's way through trees, fields and countryside with very few traffic lights (i think there are 3 on the whole track) and, more importantly, no cars! there are a few bikers and runners and people walking, but it is not crowded.

also, everyone up here is so friendly. everyone says hello to each when they run passed. in nagoya i had one running friend (as in we greeted each other as we passed) and everyone else kind of looked the other way. here it is amazing.

so we are running a lot. rie and i run together three times a week and i add on two or three more runs myself. we are preparing for a half-marathon next week and a full marathon in june. but i feel like i have totally rediscovered the joy of running again. lovely. so peaceful, so quiet, no need to always be looking out for cars or lights... it is a runner's heaven.

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